Cotinus 'Candy Floss' - 10Litre
Delicate green leaves blushed with bronze in spring often changing through interesting plumb and in to yellow tones through the season. Summer brings enormous dusty pink candy-floss-like pinnacles of flowers giving an incredible show. Autumn shows red dusty leaves. Leaf colour: Green, yellow, pink, red. Type: Deciduous. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam. Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Calycanthus 'Aphrodite' - 10Litre
This Sweetshrub is a tall, delightful shrub with large fresh green leaves turning yellow in autumn. From late spring and deep in to summer large wine-red fragrant blooms open on the tips of the stems. Leaf colour: Green Type: Deciduous Aspect: Full sun Soil Type: Sand, loam, chalk or clay Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Fatsia japonica 'Spiderweb Sense' - 10Litre
A classic garden plant with large deeply lobed leaves which, when young, can be almost pure cream maturing to variegated cream and green leaves and white globular clustered flowers followed by black berries. Young leaves can appear almost white Leaf colour: Green and cream Type: Evergreen Aspect: Partial or full shade Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Cotinus 'Ruby Glow'- 10Litre
This purple leaved Smoke Bush thrives in a sunny location which helps the burgundy-red toned leaves show their best colour. They support purple toned wispy flowers in summer followed by an intense purple, pink and red autumn show. Leaf colour: Burgundy, purple, red, pink. Type: Deciduous. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam. Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Nandina 'Red Light'- 10Litre
Heavenly Bamboo is an attractive compact evergreen pointed leaflets along the stems. New growth comes through an intense red which then dulls to an attractively dappled green and cream. In summer pretty white flowers grow on stems above the leaves. Leaf colour: Red, green and cream Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun Soil Type: Sand, loam, chalk or clay Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Pieris japonica 'Little Heath' - 10Litre
Bright red foliage in winter and early spring topped with white pinnacles of flowers in early spring. Foliage turns variegated green and white as it ages. Leaf colour: Green and white. Type: Evergreen. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Podocarpus 'Killworth Cream' - 7.5Litre
This Podocarpus is a low growing, shade loving confer with small slightly rounded cream leaves initially emerging pink especially in spring. A great ground cover evergreen which won't take over your garden! Leaf colour: Cream Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full shade or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, chalk, clay or loam. Pot Size: 7.5Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Podocarpus 'Chocolate Box' - 7.5Litre
This Podocarpus is a dwarf growing, shade loving confer with small slightly rounded green leaves turning a chocolate colour after the first frosts. A great ground cover evergreen which won't take over your garden! Leaf colour: Green and Chocolate Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full shade or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, chalk, clay or loam. Pot Size: 7.5Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Podocarpus 'Blue Gem' - 7.5Litre
This Podocarpus is a dwarf growing, shade loving confer with small slightly rounded blue-green leaves topped with silvery berries in winter if a male variety is nearby. A great ground cover evergreen which won't take over your garden! Leaf colour: Blue-green Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full shade or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, chalk, clay or loam. Pot Size: 7.5Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Podocarpus 'County Park Fire' - 7.5Litre
This Podocarpus is a low growing, shade loving confer with small slightly rounded cream leaves initially emerging red then becoming green with age topped with red berries in winter. A great ground cover evergreen which won't take over your garden! Leaf colour: Green, cream and red Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full shade or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, chalk, clay or loam. Pot Size: 7.5Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Olearia macrodonta - 10Litre
This Olearia, also known as the New Zealand Holly is an attractive dense bushy shrub with soft, holly-like silvery-green leaves on red-brown stems. Small scented white flowers grow up from the leaf nodes, absolutely covering this plant in white flowers in summer. Leaf colour: Silvery-green Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun Soil Type: Sand, chalk or loam Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Olearia x haastii - 10Litre
An attractive dense bushy shrub with rounded silvery-green leaves. The pure white flowers grow up from the leaf nodes, absolutely covering this plant in white flowers in mid to late summer. Leaf colour: Silvery-green Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun Soil Type: Sand, chalk or loam Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Osmanthus × burkwoodii - 10Litre
An unassuming evergreen until mid winter when the branches are covered in highly scented white flowers, prized by hungry bees. An excellent hedging plant for up to 6ft. Leaf colour: Green. Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun, partial shade or full shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Tricolour' - 10Litre
This holly-like evergreen has green leaves speckled with cream starting life in red tones then turning lime mottled lime green before finding their green mature colour. Leaf colour: Green, cream and red Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun or partial shade Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk, or loam Pot Size: 7Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Party Lights' - 10Litre
This holly-like evergreen has green leaves starting life in brilliant pink then turning cream before finding their green mature colour. Leaf colour: Green, cream and pink Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun or partial shade Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk, or loam Pot Size: 7Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' - 10Litre
This holly-like evergreen has green leaves mottled with creamish spots. The new growth had bronze-pink tones before they find their mature colour. Leaf colour: Green, cream and pink. Type: Evergreen. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk, or loam. Pot Size: 7Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Osmanthus aquifolium- 10Litre
This holly-like evergreen has green leaves and highly fragrant, nectar rich flowers in early Spring. Leaf colour: Green. Type: Evergreen. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk, or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Mahonia 'Soft Caress'
This Mahonia ihas unusually shaped strap like leaves and sprays of attractive yellow buds followed by yellow flowers throughout Winter followed by glossy black fruits. Leaf colour: Green Type: Evergreen Aspect: Partial shade or full shade Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Mahonia japonica Bealei Group
This Mahonia is a great, extremely tolerant plant for your garden with sprays of attractive yellow buds followed by yellow flowers throughout Winter followed by glossy black edible fruits. Leaf colour: Green Type: Evergreen Aspect: Partial shade or full shade Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Myrica pensylvanica - 10 Litre
The Bayberry is an attractive semi-evergreen shrub with waxy leaves and blue edible berries in winter. This is an excellent Costal Plant. Leaf colour: Green. Type: Semi-Evergreen. Aspect: Full shade or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, chalk, clay or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Myrtus communis 'Varigata' - 10 Litre
This Myrtle is a delightful shrub with aromatic very gently variegated green and cream evergreen leaves and pearly white flowers cover this type of Myrtle in mid summer. Leaf colour: Green and cream Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun Soil Type: Sand, loam, chalk or clay Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Grevillia juniperina - 10Litre
This Spider Flower has a lovely bushy rounded habit and deep pink flowers in tight clusters from late Winter through to late Summer. Leaf colour: Green Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun Soil Type: Sand or loam Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Cotinus coggygria 'Grace' - 10Litre
This purple leaves smoke bush thrives in a sunny location which helps the purple toned leaves have their best colour. They support purple toned wispy flowers in Summer followed by intense purple pink and red Autumn foliage. Leaf colour: Purple, very dark green, red, pink. Type: Deciduous. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam. Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n' Gold' - 10Litre
A really attractive evergreen holding ovate green leaves with white variegated edges and a naturally rounded form. This is a very versatile plant which clips extremely well, being great for low mounding hedges and particularly successful on windy exposed costal sites. Leaf colour: Green and white Type: Evergreen Aspect: Full sun Soil Type: Sand, loam, chalk or clay Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Euonymus japonicus 'Green Spire'
This Euonymus is a fantastic low maintenance plant which will happily grow against a wall, as a hedge or as a mid border plant. It is used regularly in place of Box as it has a great texture, clips well and faces none of Box's problems. Leaf colour: Green. Type: Evergreen. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' - 10Litre
This Cornus is a lovely border plant with luscious green leaves and white flowers in Summer. The leaves turn vibrant colours in Autumn before falling to expose colourful Olive-yellow stems in Winter. Leaf colour: Green. Type: Deciduous. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea' - 10Litre
The Indian Bean Tree is an attractive medium size tree with large yellow-green leaves showing red tones when young. White flowers with purple and pink markings are held in pinnacles in spring followed by long bean like pods in Autumn. Leaves: Green. Type: Deciduous. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Suitable Soils: Chalk, clay, sand or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre. Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum - 10Litre
The Katsura tree grows in to a beautiful large tree with ovate leaves. Its attractive green leaves shine in summer before turning to intense shades of pink, orange and red in Autumn before falling. Leaves: Green. Type: Deciduous. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Suitable Soils: Chalk, clay, sand or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre. Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Convolvulus cneorum - 10Litre
This is truly a very attractive shrub which has a naturally rounded form with soft grey leaves shimmering slightly in the sunlight. The flowers are big blousy white trumpets with a yellow centre coming forth in summer. Leaf colour: Grey. Type: Evergreen. Aspect: Full sun. Soil Type: Sand, chalk, or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Berberis thunbergii 'Venice' - 10Litre
A compact forming shrub with rounded leaves emerging with an aged pink tone, turning red as they age. The flowers are an unassuming yellow in spring, beloved by bees followed by red berries in Autumn. This Berberis makes an excellent low hedge! Leaf colour: Pink to red. Type: Deciduous. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.
Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket' - 10Litre
A narrow shrub with generally straight branches and rounded leaves emerging a rusty orange, turning red as they are. The flowers are an unassuming yellow in spring, beloved by bees followed by red berries in Autumn. Leaf colour: Orange turning to red. Type: Deciduous. Aspect: Full sun or partial shade. Soil Type: Sand, clay, chalk or loam. Pot Size: 10Litre Please be aware we pack on Mondays ONLY and your plants will be delivered via Parcleforce on a Wednesday. Orders must be placed before Midnight on Sunday for delivery that week.